HANBELL Vacuum Technology Co., LTD

HANBELL Vacuum Technology Co., LTD

HANBELL Group has an independent R&D and design team, a professional and leading manufacturing plant, and operates the global market with its own brand "HANBELL", providing high-quality products and first-class services, and marketing at Taiwan and abroad with a strategy of value. It is one of the few world-class manufacturers in the world that focuses on the design and manufacture of compressors and vacuum pumps, and ranks among the top five in the global market.

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Business nameex : ○○ Co. Ltd.
Nameex : Jason
Departmentex : R&D Department
Job titleex : R&D Manager
Telex : 0212345678
Mobileex : 0911222333
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Objectex: Technical partnership, sales, procurement, OEM, overseas business expansion
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