Formosa Heavy Industries Corporation

Formosa Heavy Industries Corporation

Formosa Heavy Industries Corporation was established in 1991 and inherited the construction experience of Formosa Plastic Group. FHI has the perfect capability for Automatic Warehouse Design, Engineering Design, Cold Working, Arc Welding, Machining with Facilities and Lifting Heavy Equipment. FHI provides EPC services for Intelligent Logistics System and Automated Warehouse System and has many products in the electronics industry. Besides, FHI also provides (1) the manufacturing and EPC services including not limited to the refinery, petrochemical, plastic, artificial fiber and steel industries (2) the EPC services for Power Plant and Cogeneration Plant including the environmental equipment (3) the manufacturing services for Precision Gear Reducer/Increaser.
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Nameex : Jason
Departmentex : R&D Department
Job titleex : R&D Manager
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Mobileex : 0911222333
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