NexAIoT Co., Ltd.

NexAIoT Co., Ltd.

NexAIoT is committed in delivering Industry 4.0 total solution to clients globally, which includes iAutomation (Level 1), M2M Gateway (Level 2), IoT Edge (Level 3) and Cloud-based Enterprise War Room (Level 4) of the Industrial IoT ecosystem. Various systems in Level 1 to 4 have been successfully integrated by NexAIoT and implemented in the company iAT2000 system, which is a total solution for Industry 4.0 based on an open architecture and industry cloud-based SCADA System.
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Business nameex : ○○ Co. Ltd.
Nameex : Jason
Departmentex : R&D Department
Job titleex : R&D Manager
Telex : 0212345678
Mobileex : 0911222333
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Objectex: Technical partnership, sales, procurement, OEM, overseas business expansion
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