Industrial 4.0 Cross-industry Integration systems and solutions

Industrial 4.0 Cross-industry Integration systems and solutions

Manufacturer:NexAIoT Co., Ltd.

The global Industry 4.0 trend has led not only to the demand for smart Manufacturing, but also to the robust growth of the digital transformation.

NexAIoT has been dedicated to this market to pursuing the leadership in enterprises’ digital transformation for more than a decade. Our triumphant transformation projects across various industrial segments include whole-plant electromechanical integration and smart production lines, solar energy in Fishery and electricity symbiosis production, AMR in semiconductor, and IoT war room in petrochemical industries.

Focus on the current situation of the customer, NexAIoT uses on-site consultant surveys to thoroughly understand the problems encountered by the customer in the transformation, and provide tailor-made, flexible, and suitable solutions. NexAIoT also offers follow-up maintenance personnel training and candidate recommendation, providing a complete turn-key service that achieves the best benefits of smart manufacturing for our customers.
NexAIoT's service purpose is to provide overall solutions and be the best partner for smart manufacturing, and to assist companies in achieving the following goals
-Realize industry 3.0-3.3, complete factory automation and production line automation, achieve fewer workers and increase productivity
-Implement industry 3.4-3.5, achieve the digitization of factory production information, and integrate with MES/ERP for management data visualization benefits
-Execute industrial 3.6-3.8, build the intelligent cloud war room, combine big data analysis and AI cloud computing identification, accomplish deep industrial cultivation, and enterprise digital management benefits
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