- Chemical classification:
Acid chemicals
Alkaline chemicals
Organic solvent chemicals
- Chemical system unit architecture:
Storage tank: located in the factory area, used for temporary storage of chemicals, equipped with a level gauge, real-time notification of the staff on duty to replenish chemicals
Supply equipment: set up in the factory area, used for chemical supply/transportation/dilution/purification
Distribution valve box (VMB): located in the clean room, distribute chemicals to multiple production machines
I/O Panel: located in the clean room, used as a communication interface between the production machine and the acid supply machine
DCP (Main PLC Panel): located in the factory area, used as I/OPanel/for acid machine/SCADA signal exchange
SCADA (Supervisory Control System): Set in the factory area, monitor the operation status of each I/OPanel/acid supply machine/VMB, and send out real-time alarms and record the system status
Piping system: For chemical transportation, it can be divided into PFA or SUS or PV according to the characteristics of chemicals
UTILITY: Power/N2/CDA/UPW/EXH/Drain.. for the acid machine.