Fast track to the first mile of smart manufacturing

Fast track to the first mile of smart manufacturing

Manufacturer:Daudin Co., LTD.

Smart manufacturing utilizes and analyzes the real-time data in the manufacturing process to achieve the goal of optimization. Daudin integrates the three key elements of smart factories, which contains OT (Operation Technology), CT (Communication Technology), and IT (Information Technology), to build Daudin IIoT Smart STB (set-top box) and the smart Remote I/O. Daudin provides a painless and quick upgrade solution to smart manufacturing for the discrete manufacturing industry.

Daudin IIoT Smart STB can easily communicate with those leading brands of PLCs, robotic arms, CNC controllers, and other equipment at the producing spot. It also obtains various sensor data, on-site energy consumption, work order, and labor hours information through the iO-GRID (A Smart Remote I/O). There is no need the IT personnel or programming; it only takes a few simple settings to obtain the various on-site production parameters. Mastering and analyzing the process parameters' differences can effectively increase the utilization rate and improve the production yield. The abnormal warning system of the intelligent STB supports multiple modes to avoid misjudgment and texts the warning message to the off-site personnel in real-time.

Daudin IIoT Smart STB has a distributed storage function, excellent communication encryption, and a tamper-proof mechanism that effectively avoids data loss or intrusion risk. Meanwhile, Daudin IIoT Smart STB supports several commonly used communication protocols in IT (e.g., API, WebSocket, MQTT, OPC UA, SNMP) and can easily connect with various IT systems and cloud applications.

To satisfy different panel building and control cabinet requirements at the producing spot, Daudin’s products all use terminal blocks and related panel assembly products built with Dinkle group’s safe and reliable connectivity technologies. It includes the anti-vibration Dinkle 0150 and 0183 series tailored for servo motors; the 0229 series provides high-density I/O connections in constrained spaces; and the DINKLE DKU power distribution terminal blocks, relay products, and the surge protection devices, etc.

In addition to the hardware products, such as IIoT Smart STB and the smart Remote I/O, Daudin provides customers with the "Visualized Digital Boardroom System" solutions at the software level. It includes DAQ, EMS, MES, and BMS, to help companies instantly and accurately collect and analyze real-time manufacturing and energy data and obtain historical reports and statistical results. As an essential reference for companies to set their production and energy conservation strategies!

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