Quality measurement intelligent automation system

Quality measurement intelligent automation system

Manufacturer:GTVISION CO., LTD.

Automatic measurement does not rely on personnel skills to unify the quality and energy, eliminate the changes in quality and measurement time caused by personnel differences, integrate robotic arms and intelligent material racks, and achieve through intelligent scheduling software and monitoring devices

Automatic measurement does not rely on personnel skills to unify the quality and energy, eliminate the changes in quality and measurement time caused by personnel differences, integrate robotic arms and intelligent material racks, and achieve through intelligent scheduling software and monitoring devices
1. Use IT technology and measurement technology to make appropriate expressions and complete data "visualization" management.
2. The material rack management system and measurement scheduling system manage the flexible measurement of workpieces through control to solve problems such as inaccurate measurement or inconsistent working speed.
3. Complete the collection of machine operation status and measurement data, and find reasonable quality control capabilities through intelligent analysis functions.
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