
LENTEC & SYNTEC help customers making their production smarter
  • Traceability solution making production and product visible and traceable.
  • Connecting machines with ethernet rather than IO cables which is more easier for system integration.
  • Special design for some applications and minimizing down time when introduction.
  • Leantec & Syntec provide total solution means no worries about system integration and even we manage everything.
< Modular Flexible Central Control Robotic Cell >
    1. Quick Control : Support different CNC and Robot brands
    2. Quick Produce: Modular Cart could movable between Machines
    3. Quick Connect :Quick PAIR between CNC and Robot with one cable and a few parameters setting, then the connection is done.
    4. Quick Measure : Control Quality. Increase Efficiency
    5. Quick Quality Control: Quality Management
    6. Quick Cloud: SynFactory
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